The Airman & Family Readiness Director is accepting applications

  • Published
  • By A&FRC March ARB
  • 452 AMW/A&FRC

The Airman & Family Readiness Director is accepting applications for two

Technical Sergeant positions. These are Traditional Reservist overage positions with

special duty assignment. Applicants must be in the paygrades of E-5 or E-6 and will report on April 1, 2017.


The duties and responsibilities for these positions will be to plan, implement, administer, and counsel on Airman and Family Readiness Center's (A&FRC) career, transition, relocation, family, and other work/life services and activities provided to military members, retirees, Department of Defense (DoD) civilian members, and their families. To assist commanders, military personnel and their families, and DoD civilian employees in managing the competing demands of the military mission and family. The A&FRC provides information and family services necessary to support single and married military personnel,

civilian employees, and family members through provision and conduct of programs and services that provide information, improve skills by fostering competencies and coping skills, and offer short-term support and assistance when necessary.


Qualifications needed for these positions include:

Ability to assess individual and family needs and provides continuing work/life services to eligible populations. Interviews and assesses clients' needs and concerns (e.g., family separation, parenting, personal financial management, child care, elder care, etc.); evaluates and interprets information gathered in interviews. Assists clients in prioritizing issues and developing plans and goals that

are tailored to specific needs and concerns. Provides advice, guidance, and additional referral options to ensure clients have access and assistance in securing cost effective support or direct aid. Using interview data and changing AF demographics, develops family profiles, and addresses family issues affecting work as well as work issues affecting families. Monitors and tracks each case to evaluate and ensure customer service and client satisfaction. Periodically reviews cases with the organizational/unit work/life consultant, recommending and carrying out appropriate actions to resolve concerns. Compiles data to document service effectiveness. Provides individual and family consultation services, education, referrals, and follow-up. Refers difficult or complex situations to senior A&FRC staff members or, after consultation with senior A&FRC staff, personally advises clients. Conducts a variety of educational forums and briefings to enhance community capacity and thus assist serviced populations in improving

work/life skills and knowledge of available resources.


Prerequisites for these positions are as follows:


a.         Must meet and exceed all Air Force standards and must project an

outstanding image


b.         Must have a minimum of 2 years retain ability


c.         Must possess the proven ability to effectively communicate with

subordinates, peers, and superiors


d.         Must possess a personality and desire to help people


e.         Must be able to maintain confidentiality


f.          Must possess a 5-skill level


g.         Must have strong analytical, verbal and writing skills


h.         Must possess skills in establishing and maintaining effective

working relationships using tact and diplomacy in interactions with

individuals/families and with program representatives and officials.


i.          Must possess skills in conducting interviews to establish the

nature and extent of concerns/issues, provide assistance in developing goals

and plans, and determine appropriate referral services/options.


j.          A secret security clearance is required


 Application package must include the following:


a.         Copies of last three Enlisted Performance Reports (EPRs)


b.         Current/complete Air Force Fitness Management System (AFFMS II)



c.         Military resume including education and experience (limited to

two pages)


d.         Official military biography


e.         Current Career Data Brief (CDB) via vMPF


f.          Letter of Recommendations from current/previous supervisors


g.         Current individual readiness status (IMR) print out


h.         Letter of Intent indicating participation availability, career

progression goals, and/or any other pertinent information deemed necessary

for consideration


Application packages are due no later than March 17, 2017. Applications may be hand delivered to Airman & Family Readiness with ATTN: Karen Amos or emailed to Packages received after 17 March 2017 will not be accepted. Finalist will be contacted for interviews at a time to be determined. Interviews will be in-person and/or via teleconference on or about March 29, 2017.


For additional information, please contact Ms. Karen Amos 951-655-5350 / DSN 447-5350, or at