Spring Cleaning - Chaplains Corner

  • Published
  • By Col. Givens
  • 452 AMW Chaplains Corps

It’s that time of the year again.  You’ve let things accumulate and pile up around the house.  The garage has become a storage area and you have to park your car in the driveway.  Everything is piling up and you’ve got to do something about it.  So, you get started on your spring cleaning mission.  There’s the throw away pile, the donate pile and the stuff that you decide to keep for another year.  When you start the day there was a cluttered room or garage.  But at the end of your spring cleaning the house is organized and cleared out, and you have a new parking spot in the garage.

Our lives are like that too.  We get going so fast, filling up our day with important meetings and tasks, cramming in one more phone call, email or text.  Life starts to get cluttered and the piles start to outweigh the hours in the week.  We need help in realigning this daily grind.  We need to focus on our own “spring cleaning” and look at our spiritual pillar.

I want to challenge you to spend time today looking at your spiritual pillar.  If there are habits that need to be removed or cleared out, take time to do that.  And in the places of what you took off the schedule or removed from a block of time in your day, take up a new practice or a new discipline.   Your spiritual “spring cleaning” will take time and energy, but it’s worth it.  If you need to talk to your chaplain, feel free to stop by the chapel.  We are here to serve you and to walk with you in this journey.
