Flashback: Intensive Recruiting Campaign Launched

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Pursuant to instructions from the Director of Air Service, relative to an intensive recruiting campaign, six planes left March Field on a special detail. Each pilot was instructed by Capt. Fred Wieners, Post Recruiting Officer, to thoroughly canvas his respective destination, putting up posters, visiting newspaper offices, the chamber of commerce and other civic centers. They were directed to inform citizens of various nearby communities that airplanes from March Field would return on Tuesday May 11, and give an aerial exhibition for their benefit.

Towns visited were Elsinore, Temecula, Fallbrook, San Luis Rey, La Jolla and Lakeside. Recruiting literature concerning the Air Service and educational and trade opportunities offered to enlisted men was distributed in each town. Pilots were Lieutenants Brand, Colliver, Worthington, Waller, Moore and Ott.

It has been proposed to send out an advance recruiting party on Monday consisting of one officer, an enlisted chauffeur, one cook and an airplane mechanic. This party will travel by motor car to Bakersfield and cover territory between that city and Fresno. It will be self-sustaining in the field and make arrangements for a six-plane flight which will follow at pre-arranged dates. A second trip covering territories nearer to the coast is proposed for the following week.

The services of Lieut. E. S. Norby, Personnel Adjutant, is requested for one of these flight trips, acting as a speaker and officer-in-charge of recruiting activities at designated points during the campaign.

Pilots selected for this recruiting duty have already taken considerable interest in the campaign and a friendly rivalry among them to gain the largest number of recruits has been evidenced.