452ND FSS trains how we fight Published Nov. 17, 2017 By Capt. Perry Covington 452nd AMW Public Affairs The 452nd Force Support Squadron, Services Sustainment Flight, Services Combat Training, conducted their home station training this past September at March Air Reserve Base, California. The purpose of this training is to get Services troops combat ready for wartime situations. "Hardest thing is to complete that type of training is time. We are working real world issues while completing all this in-depth training in a span of a week, but our troops are professionals and they exceed the requirement every year," said Master Sgt. Erwin Kessman, 452nd FSS Services Flight Senior Art. The pivot to a more combat ready stance comes directly from the wing commander. It is a venture that will bring troops in the Services flight closer to dealing with real world scenarios and taskings. Troops involved in this training are exposed to a wide array of training sets which include SPEK training (field kitchen), field lodging tent training, field fitness and recreation, command and control, force bed down, and mortuary affairs. "The best thing about this is having our entire flight out together at the same time,” said Kessman. “The teamwork and camaraderie that comes out of this event fuels our motivation for the rest of the year. This is especially great for our new troops. They can see how we get the mission done, in a supportive and fun environment." This exercise came to fruition with an influx of money geared towards training. Time was of the essence when setting up the scenarios for the Services troops. "This is huge for our junior airman. Having Services Combat Training gives us that momentum of that combat readiness mentality. We are trying to invest in our airmen and get them to be in the right frame of mind to be prepared to respond to real world missions. This is in line with leaderships vision to make time and effort to prioritize having combat readiness," said Major Hyman M. Alvia, 452D FSS Services Flight Commander. "Our flight took that to our heart and in the short time we have been able to realize that vision. We are going to consistently give this training from here on out. We are trying to invest in our future leaders for Services. The first thing that needs to change is our culture, and we start that at the lowest level," Alvia added. In regards to combat ready training, FSS is ready to expand the umbrella to all units on the base. "I would love to have our other units team up with us in the future. Our career field touches many aspects of our lives in the military, our reach is far beyond Mission Support Group. I hope that one day soon, we'll have all the other units participate in this type of training, so we can all be ready to execute our mission in a real-world scenario."