4th Air Force spring cleaning: A day of fun in the sun Published March 29, 2013 By Darnell Gardner 452 AMW public affairs MARCH AIR RESERVE BASE, CALIF. -- Members of the 4th Air Force staff took time out of their busy day to participate in spring cleaning around their newly renovated building, March 15. The beautification project involved washing the windows and exterior walls of the building, sweeping sidewalks, mowing lawns and a variety of other tasks to spiff up the place. "We decided to do a bit of spring cleaning to improve the outward appearance of the building," said Col. David Pavey, 4th AF chief of staff. "Our first floor was recently renovated, so it was only fitting that we bring the outside up to par. It gave our team the opportunity to synergize away from our desks and computers, on a beautiful southern California day. All work and no play makes for a dull day, so after the cleaning project was complete, volunteers from the American Legion Riders Alliance, Perris Post 595 and San Jacinto Post 848, arrived and fired up the barbecue grills, treating the staff to burgers and hotdogs. "We are here to support our servicemembers at March Air Reserve Base," said Joe Ondarza, American Legion Riders' Alliance, Perris Post 595. "We enjoy coming out and putting on events like this to show we care. We are all from this area and we want the (base) community to know that we are here for them." Fourth Air Force commands, ensures readiness and advocates for 17 Wing equivalents made up of over 30,000 personnel, nearly half the personnel of the Air Force Reserve.