March Field prepares for Fire Prevention Week 2012

  • Published
  • By John Martin
  • 452 AMW Fire Prevention specialist
March Field will be observing Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 7 to 13. This year's theme is, 'Be Rabbit Ready,' which is an accurate comparison to just how quickly you and your family should exit your house in case of a fire - once the smoke alarm sounds, you only have a few minutes to get your family to safety.

"We will be setting up camp and handing out fire prevention brochures all around the March community to include the front gate, commissary, Armed Forces Radio and Television Service and the Army compound," said Harold Sterne, assistant chief of Fire Prevention. "Sparky will also be there to help get the word out about fire safety."

It is highly recommended that you test each smoke alarm once a month and replace the back-up 9-volt battery every six months. Taking these extra precautions, will ensure there is an audible signal to alert your family if there is a fire.

If the smoke alarm sounds, you should immediately evacuate your family from the house. If you have to escape through smoke, get as low to the floor as possible so that you can maneuver from below because you can easily perish from asphyxiation, heat damage to your lungs, or the inhalation of smoke particles.
However, if you are exposed to fire, stop, drop and roll until the flames have been extinguished. Residences that have multiple floors should ensure there is a rescue  ladder accessible from bedroom windows, which allow for a secondary route of escape. It is highly advisable to have at least two ways out of every room in your house. Once you are outside of the house and at a safe distance, take accountability of all household members in case someone is missing and call 911 to reach the Fire Department.

A home fire escape drill should be practiced at least twice a year. Make special exiting arrangements for adults older than 55 and children younger than five.

Next, take a few minutes to answer the five-question quiz to ensure you are 'Rabbit Ready' if a fire occurs in your home.

1) If a fire breaks out in your home, how many minutes do you have to get out?
a) 30 mins.
b) 20 mins.
c) 10 mins.
d) a few minutes

2) If the smoke alarm sounds, you should do what first?
a) Call the FD and then leave the home
b) Get outside and then call the FD
c) Remove the battery
d) Wait for the FD to arrive

3) If you have to escape through smoke:
a) Run as fast as you can to find your way out
b) Crawl on your stomach to your way out
c) Get low and go under the smoke to find your way out
d) Hold your breath and walk slowly through the smoke

4) You should know at least how many ways out of every room in your home?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

5) A home fire escape fire drill should be practiced at least how often?
a) Once a month
b) Twice a month
c) Once a year
d) Twice a year

Answers: 1-D, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-D

Note: Questions and answers were retrieved from: