A few kind words Published Dec. 20, 2010 By Senior Airman Alexis Boyd 452 AMW Chaplain's Office MARCH AIR RESERVE BASE, CALIF. -- With the UCI inspection behind us, we are all breathing a collective sigh of relief. It's nice to know that we are all focused as one team fighting the same fight for this strong, prevailing country we are blessed enough to call home. Whether it is stateside or overseas, in an inspection or our standard day-to-day business, we have the potential to make a huge difference every day. This should make us proud to say that we are among the elite Airmen serving in the United States Air Force and each one of us is blessed to be able to work and serve alongside the great men and women of March Air Reserve Base. One thing that definitely did not go unnoticed during this inspection was how far a smile or a few kind words could actually go. That's a trend we should try to continue: try going out of your way to make someone's day just a little better. Thank that Security Forces Squadron troop standing at the gate in 100-degree weather for keeping our base safe. Be just a little more patient and pleasant at the clinic while waiting in line to get a shot. We all are trying to do our jobs and I know life and work gets hectic and demanding at times, so it is nice when someone stops to ask how we are doing or simply how our day is going. It is important that we not only give ourselves a pat on the back, but our fellow Airmen as well. After all, we could not fight this fight alone. One team! One fight! I want to encourage you to take some time today to tell someone that they are appreciated or that you are glad you have the opportunity to work with them. You never know. A few kind words could make a huge difference.