The association between resilience and coherence

  • Published
  • By Chaplain Ken Walden
  • 452 AMW/HC
Hello March Air Reserve Base Community.

The residents of North America have been celebratingĀ Thanksgiving since the early 1600s. Century after century, the residents continue to celebrate. We have much to celebrate! Do you know people who complain more than celebrate? Do you know people who focus too much on shortcomings rather than acknowledging important strengths? Channeling energy and resources into dreams are essential for progress and resilience is an essential coherent ingredient in this development.

This November, we will pause to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Some of us will celebrate this holiday season with turkey dinners, others will be surrounded by family and friends, others will have to work. Some of us will be fortunate enough to take a few hours to visit the beach, retreat to the desert, or find some place for rest and relaxation.

What are you most thankful for this holiday season? I would encourage you to identify three areas in your life for which you are thankful. Webster's dictionary defines coherence as a logical connection or consistency. There is a coherency between resilience and a temperament of thanksgiving.

Looking at the glass half full is usually more motivating and insightful than looking at the glass half empty. Let us never cease being thankful for our United States of America.

May you have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Grace and Peace.