March Spouse Tree creates community during deployment Published April 19, 2010 By Lauren Fry Airman and Family Readiness MARCH AIR RESERVE BASE, CALIF. -- Military spouses know the true meaning of hard work. It is not easy maintaining a household when the other half is gone for training or a deployment, let alone dealing with the absence of that someone special. When the spouse is located across the country, state or county rather than on base, it creates a challenge all of its own: Reserve spouse community. We aim to cultivate the community of spouses amongst the units and across state lines. Regardless of location, there is no one better to understand the situations and feelings than another reservist spouse who is in the same boat as you and your family. The March Spouse Tree is a network of reservist's spouses to maintain and grow relationships with other spouses via phone, e-mail or our online blog. Reservist spouses are not alone through deployment or TDYs, but rather make up a strong and large group that serves our military families while their service member is always serving our country. If you would like to sign-up or put your spouse in contact with the March Spouse Tree, contact Airman and Family Readiness. March spouse blog |