Senior Airman John Ahrens (from left), Staff Sgt. Dawn Perez and Staff Sgt. Kyle Hollingsworth, members of the 452nd AMW color guard team, led by Master Sgt. Octavio Ortiz, fold the colors at the end of the ceremony. Representatives Several hundred Airmen showed up in front of the 452nd Air Mobility Wing headquarters building Sunday afternoon to participate in a very special commander’s call at March Air Reserve Base. Standing in formation were representatives from every unit on base as well as the local Civil Air Patrol squadrons. Brig. Gen. James Melin, the 452nd commander, took time to address his troops as well as speak about the upcoming Memorial Day and its significance to all of us who proudly wear a military uniform. This time honored tradition of holding commander’s call at Wing HQ has years of historic value dating back to the days when past commanders -- including General Henry “Hap” Arnold, who took command of March Field in 1931 -- used to address Airmen from the balcony of the HQ building. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Michael Blair)
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