Commentary Search

  • What’s your reflection

    We pass by them every day. There are probably many throughout your house or apartment. They are displayed in stores, bathrooms, hotels, or cars. Moreover, they show us who we are and what we look like to the rest of the world. Can you guess what they are? If you guessed mirrors, you'd be on the

  • Adjust, Adapt, Flourish

    Last night my wife and I watched a movie classic, "A Street Car Named Desire." I knew about it and of Tennessee Williams, who wrote a play with the same name. As we settled in to enjoy this Hollywood classic, I eventually realized that the reality did not meet my expectations. What was considered a

  • Relieving stress

    In the hectic and often challenging world we live in, we constantly find our lives impacted by some sort of stress. Whether it is a mild or significant amount, stress is something that we all struggle with. We need to recognize early signs of stress in order to manage it to the best of our abilities

  • This Year Think Small

    Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines the verb "snowball" as increasing, accumulating, expanding, or multiplying at a rapidly accelerating rate. New Year's resolutions can be a lot like snowballs. Just as a small lump of earth can increase in mass and speed as it rolls down a snowy hill, large and

  • Commander's Holiday Message

    As another successful year draws to a close, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all the dedicated military members and civilians who make up Team March. I'm extremely fortunate to have you on the team. You are the most intelligent, talented and motivated group of individuals whom I've had

  • Gifts that keep giving

    Ancient Jewish rabbi, Moshe ben Maimon, once famously wrote on charity and what was viewed as the many different levels of giving. In the Mishneh Torah, the author stated that the highest level of charity is when a person teaches others how to help themselves. Actions such as offering an

  • Letter to Airmen: Zero tolerance for sexual assault

    Secretary of the Air Force Michael B. Donley, Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Mark A. Welsh III and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James A. Roy issued a tri-signature "Letter to Airmen," Nov. 16.As part of an effort to increase awareness of sexual assault, the Air Force's top three

  • Precious resources

    These days, we hear a lot about the many different resources available in the military. If you are in need of financial help, you can choose from various military programs being offered. If you have legal issues or questions, most military bases have a legal staff that provides tons of helpful

  • Thanksgiving: A time to count your blessings

    What will your Thanksgiving be like this year? Perhaps it will include the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, marathon naps, or lots of football. Will it involve preparation for the next day, early morning, bargain shopping? On the other hand, will you, after consuming 3,500 plus calories from all of

  • Straight from the horse's mouth

    Resiliency is something we spend a lot of time talking about in the Air Force. There are good reasons for this. We face changes and challenges to ourselves and our families. Circumstances may arise in our lives that we have no control over. Some of them may leave us with feelings of fear and